Commissioned and Personal Projects in Photography + Filmmaking x Guj

Elopement weddings in Southeast Asia. Hip city shoots in urban Tokyo. Technically commissioned, essentially personal. Visual stories x Guj.

Siargao, Philippines: A Sunrise Shoot with a Travel Couple

The 9th photo.

All of these are generally candid-organic photos from this quick, easy going sunrise photo session in Siargao Island: just Sebastian & Maria being Sebastian & Maria -- board shorts, tank tops and all. The 9th, however, you can file it under the "solo adventure travel" and “#instagramtrap” category.

[ Ice breaker round, usually during the first set. Small talk. But not about the weather.
About your home city or country for example.

Guj: "Hey guys, I know another German word..."
[ other than the usual pleasantries ]
M&S: "What?"
Guj: "scheiße"
[ Thanks Liane Cartman! Eric Cartman’s mom.]


G: "Do you know where we're to going next?"
M&S: "Where?"
G: "Cloud Nein."

*laugh track disabled*

The 2nd one didn’t happen BTW. But it’s still better than telling your couple to do a ‘fake laugh’ for the camera. IMO. Oh the heck no. *cringe*

Sebastian & Maria's travel couple adventure and sunrise photo session in Siargao. Adventure engagement photography in Southeast Asia x Guj, featuring location photos of General Luna,Cloud 9 and Shaka in Siargao Island, Philippines. March 2019. Color remastered using redsheep Chromavibe 160M September 2020.